An Introduction into Honors and Time Management

This week's honors FYE was packed with great information on what it means to be an honors student at Georgia Southern and how to make the most of our time every day (all 86,400 seconds of the day). 

On August 26, Dr. Engel, Dr. Desiderio, and Mrs. Erin Martin, came into our class and talked to us more about the honors program and what we were expected to do has honors students. I learned that Mrs. Erin is our honors academic advisor, and we have to meet with her once this semester. I also learned that honors students get to register early for classes, which is going to be November 4th at 6am. Y'all better believe I will be up in order to make sure I get the classes I want! 
However the important thing that I learned in class was all about experimental learning. Our class described this term as learning that is "outside the classroom," "hands on experiences,""study abroad,"and "services." As first year honors students we are expected to complete 25 volunteer/service activity. The volunteer service that seemed the most interesting to me was through Serve 912. (The link is provided below) I also really liked that they have daily opportunities for students to serve. Finally, I learned how to record these hours through "My Involvement" on my MyGeorgiaSouthern.  
All About Serve 912


On August 28th, our peer leader Taylor made it a very fun and interesting day in class. We learned about time management and different things that we could do in order to prevent procrastination and stress. 


Taylor gave the visualization that usually people tell us that we have to choose between either school and work or school and social life. However, we have to find a way to balance all three. This means that we have to figure out what is important to us. To put this visualization even more to life we did a group activity where we were divided into groups of 4 and given a list of certain tasks that were all worth different points. Even though we came in second, my team, "Inside Out," was the best. During this game we learned that some tasks are less important (and not worth that many points) therefore we have to learn to prioritize.
The second activity that we did was very interesting to me. Without any real explanation, Taylor wrote "$86,400" on the white board. She then instructed us that we had one day to spend all of this money, and any money that was not used could not be saved for later. We could not put the money in a bank or invest it. All of the money had to be spent that day or it just simply disappeared. Therefore, I started making my list, and of course the very first thing I spent my money on was an iced coffee haha. (priorities) ☕😍💁Then, I decided to pay off my school loans, buy two tickets to Greece round trip for a week (which I determined would cost about $10,000 for the whole trip), then finally I would give the rest of the money to my parent's to pay for their bills. 
Then, we all went around the room sharing what we would spend our money on. Some were very interesting, from buying professors to tutor them to buying assassins. Obviously, I was not that creative.
Taylor then shared with us that this activity represents our every day lives. Every day we have 86,400 seconds. What we do with those seconds are completely our choice, and once they seconds are up there is no giving them back. Therefore, the way that we spend them is very important. 

Overall, this week in FYE was very beneficial, and I really did learn a lot. 


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