
Being engaged 


This week in my first year experience class, the main focus of discussion revolved around the word "engaged." We discussed not only the definition of the word, but also what that word looks like when we put it to action. 


In class, my peers and I discussed what the word "engage" means to all of us individually. People were saying everything from being involved to being actively focused. I honestly agreed with everyone's definition of the word. It was interesting to see how that word meant something a little differently to everyone. For me, I think that being engaged is simply a way of doing life. Whenever you are engaged in something (or even someone) you are devoted to it and a lot of your energy and focus goes into it.

What is the purpose of being engaged in campus life?

Whenever a student is engaged in campus life they are more likely to enjoy being where they are and honestly it makes the college experience a lot more fun. Whenever you are engaged in campus life, whether that is doing intramurals, clubs, or greek life, a person is more likely to feel like they belong. Belongingness is so important for a person's psychological needs, and this runs hand and hand with being engaged. 

Here's me at trivia night which was one of the FYE Success Series events. When I went to the event, I mainly went because it is a requirement to go to two of these events, but I made it a goal of mine to meet more people. I actually had a great time, and I met some really awesome people. 

Although being engaged is super important, a student should not overload themselves with a handful of campus activities and become too busy for themselves. A student should figure out which clubs and other activities best fit them. They should not try and join absolutely everything because there will reach a point where the person will feel overwhelmed from being too busy. In his article "Disease of Being Busy," Omid Safi said it best to remember that "you are still a human being, not just a human doing." (https://onbeing.org/blog/the-disease-of-being-busy/)

Self Reflection 

My goal when it comes to being engaged is find a club that best suits me. I have already signed up for CRU, which is a campus ministry, and I will continue to look for ways to get involved that interest me personally. It might be a challenge for me to give certain clubs and activities a chance, but I am going to try and be open minded. Two resources that can help me get involved are the Office of Student Activities and the CRI (Campus Recreation and Intramurals). These will be able to me because I will be able to see all the ways for me to get involved and choose which ever ones interest me the most. These resources are located on mygeorgiasouthern.edu but I am going to reach them through social media. These resources are going to help me get actively involved on campus life, and meet new people.

I believe that relationships are the most important thing to people in their lives for it is the origin of a people's worst and best memories. The relationships that you make in college have the opportunity to be lifelong relationships. They also have the potential to become a key resource for your career when it comes to networking. Therefore, a college student needs to make those relationships (especially finding a good mentor) through being involved and engaged on campus life. Therefore freshman, go sign up for clubs, go to the FYE events, and go be engaged. 


  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog, and I just might have to look into some of the clubs you mentioned! It sounds like you already found a lot of things you're gonna love doing around campus:)


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