Growth Mindset, Academic Basics, and Academic Integrity

This week, FYE was truly great. I personally enjoyed both classes and catching up after missing a week due to Hurricane Dorian. On Monday, the first thing that we discussed as a class was actually a continuation of what we had discussed in previous classes. We talked about how to have effective communication in the classroom setting and traits that we could work on to be a better communicator. For me personally, I remember that I said that I needed to practice showing more interest in people and being more empathetic when they speak. The class then split into groups where we were able to go into even more detailed about what ineffective and effective communication looked like. My partner was Gracie, and I am so glad I was her partner because it was awesome finding out how similar we were! We both agreed that we needed to be more confident in our public speaking, and not be so afraid or just discouraged to speak up. We talked about how we were both the type of people who would usually stay quiet in class room settings when discussions are going on. It is really weird, but I actually love talking, therefore I do not know why I get so intimidated. However, that is something I really need to start working on so that I can enhance my education. The link below is of the article that shares the 12 essential communication skills that we talked about in our groups. (1)

On Wednesday, our in class discussions were more focused around Growth/Fixed mindsets and Academic Integrity. The first assignment we did is we can up with an example of a growth mindset, and then an example of a fixed mindset. We then shared them as a class, and I loved the example Kinsley gave. She said that a fixed mindset would be not going to an event because you know that a certain person would be there, and a growth mindset would be going to that event anyways and seeing all of the benefits from going to it despite that one person being there. We talked about how in middle school that was very accurate, and honestly it is still true today. So many times we are so quick to just set our mind toward something, and we are not willing to let anything change it. However, the youtube video Growth Mindset Introduction: What it is, How it Works, and Why it Matters (2) shares that those with a growth mindset are actually more successful all around because they believe that they are able to work on certain skills are get better at them. Those with a fixed mindset are not focused on the process of getting better because they do not believe that they can actually get better. However, it is scientifically proven that you can get better or more skilled at something! The video Neuroplasticity (3) on youtube however explains that our brains can adapt. Therefore, we should be more open on the idea of growth so that we can become the absolute best versions of ourselves that we can each possibly be.
Then, we shortly all discussed academic integrity and what that looks like. Although cheating and plagiarism are very serious issues, it seems like people do realize that extent of the seriousness of them. As JD brought up, it can be very frustrating when you do the right thing, and then your classmates all cheat and get a better grade than you. It is unfair, and honestly it shows very bad character. It simply makes me very upset, and I do not really understand why people cheat. The reason why is that I believe sometimes it is more difficult to cheat than to just learn the information yourself!! Therefore, people should just simply be honest.



  1. Nice post, Michelle! I agree with you that FYE class was truly an enjoyable experience this week. I love being able to have important discussions as a class, and I feel as though we all understand/acknowledge each other. I also think that it is sometimes more difficult to cheat than to simply be honest. Some people work so hard to cheat when they could have just studied in the first place. Thank you for sharing, and have a great week!

  2. Michelle, you are a great writer! I love how neat and organized your post are. I have never thought about breaking the blogs down into days. I will have to try that on my next blog. I love your thoughts on cheating and wish I was there for that discussion. I hope you have been reading the book I recommended to you. See you Monday!


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