Week 11: Preparing for Registration and Meaningful Inquiry

This week in FYE we discussed two important topics. First, we discussed how to prepare for registration for next semester. Second, we discussed what aspects were for asking powerful and impactful questions.


On Monday, Mrs. Erin Martin came and spoke to our class. She lectured us about registration and how to prepare for it. I found the entire class very informational, and I learned so much about registration that I did not know. For example, Mrs. Erin Martin showed us how to access our notes from our meeting with our advisors through the MyGeorgiaSouthern website. After getting into the MyGeorgiaSouthern website you type "EAB" in the search tab and you are able to find your notes under the "Reports" section. I found this very helpful especially if I lose my RAN number.

Since I changed my major from PreMed to Nursing, I have a few classes that I have to take in preparation for Nursing school. For example, I have to take Pathophysiology and Lifespan and Development. After taking 14 hours in the Spring and 14 hours in the Fall, I hope to start the nursing program in the Spring of 2021! I am very excited, but very nervous.

I am very excited to be up at 5:45 AM Monday morning to prepare for registration at 6 AM.
1)To register you login into your mygeorgiasouthern.org
2)Go under Register Information and click Register (WINGS)
3)Go under Student
4)Add/Drop Classes
5) Select Spring 2020
6)Type in RAN


On Wednesday, we had to read the article "The Art of Powerful Questions." I found the article very interesting at first, but it began to get a little bit boring towards the end. However, the information in the article was very intriguing. It talked about how powerful questions begin with how, why and what. These are the type of questions that require you to think out of the box and not give one word answers. In class, we analyzed our peers questions and discussed ways to make each question a better question. I was able to really see the importance of not only asking questions, but asking good questions that initiate good conversations and provoke educational responses. Ultimately, I was able to see how I really do not ask the best questions, so I need to work on that for sure.


  1. Michelle, your blog is so funny. You had some great points about registration. I am very excited to see where you will go in the nursing program. I am so glad we have became friends. See you Monday!


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